HomeHome Life
Home life at Weald Hall
in Epping, Essex

A home away from home

Transitioning into life at a care home can be a worrying time, for both the resident and their family. A new home, new neighbours and new care staff to support you every day and night – a lot to get used to.

We all live under the same roof at Weald Hall, but we recognise that no two people’s care is the same. We provide bespoke packages of care and day-to-day routines, so that everyone maintains their independence, autonomy and lives life the way that they want to. We want our residents to settle in as quickly as possible and we will talk about the best way to do this.

Residential Nursing Home - Epping - Essex - Weald Hall

The care we provide

Residential care is a great option for when you or your loved one is in need of some additional care and support, for any number of reasons. Whether you have noticed a significant deterioration in mobility or cognition, or if your loved one is in need of a short visit to our care home after surgery, Weald Hall can provide the right level of care and support at any time.

The care we provide

Many of our residents stay with us on an ongoing basis. Weald Hall is their home. Residents opt for long-term care if they are living with a health condition, have limited mobility or if their loved ones don’t live nearby and are in need of some peace of mind.

Respite care

Taking care of a friend or relative can be extremely tiring and it’s important you take a break so you can continue to provide a high level of care. We welcome residents on a respite basis, so their regular carer has time to recuperate. Whether it’s for a long weekend or a few months, we can help to support your loved one.

Dementia care

There are lots of different types of dementia which affect people in different ways. Our care workers receive regular training on how to support people living with dementia in the best way. Routine and familiarity are vital for those living with dementia and life in a care home can provide just that. Coupled with a person’s own belongings and regular visits from loved ones, residential care at Weald Hall can provide you with the peace of mind that your relative is being supported every single day.

Convalescent care

Convalescent care is temporary care when you, or a loved one, are recovering from an illness, accident or surgery. If your loved one is usually independent, but is recovering from a recent hip replacement or a stay in hospital then convalescent care could be the perfect way to get them back on their feet. Short-term care can also be a perfect way to see if your loved one would be comfortable with this type of care long term, before committing.

Elderly Nursing Home - epping - Essex - Weald Hall


Our team of Activities Coordinators are a vital part of life at Weald Hall. They ensure we have a varied programme of activities and events throughout the year to help promote independence, and maintain dignity and self-worth to all our residents.

Designed to encourage mental alertness, self-esteem and social interaction, our activities are planned with everyone’s capabilities, interests and wishes taken into account. We offer a variety of both individual and group daily support to our residents to enhance well-being and encourage mental awareness.

Our Activities Coordinators work with staff, family members and relatives to ensure the best possible level of daily support is offered to each resident.

Getting out and about

Activities aren’t limited to the four walls of our care home. Our staff take residents out and about so they are able to enjoy all that our community has to offer.

We have a mobility-friendly vehicle which means we can take those with physical disabilities or limitations out to their favourite spots and include them in everything we get up to at Weald Hall.

We have a close relationship with our local community and we encourage all residents who are able to enjoy the local area to do so with us.

Shared ideas

Weald Hall is only a real home if those living here are able to actively contribute to the way we live our lives. We open the floor to our residents with regular meetings so that they are able to share their feedback and ideas.

Often our residents’ ideas are the best and most fun, and we know that variety is truly the spice of life. We want to hear from our residents and their families too, so that we are constantly filling up the activities calendar with new ideas.


Our seasonal menu is planned by our kitchen team, with fresh meals prepared every day. We accommodate each resident’s dietary requirements and personal preferences so they enjoy their meals just as they would have when at home.

It’s important to us that residents can make their own choices about their care, their lives and the way they enjoy their meals.