Interactive touchscreen tablet gifted to residents

At Weald Hall we’ve been lucky enough to receive a new tablet for our residents to enjoy.
The tablet, manufactured by Activitouch, is a battery-powered, portable device with a 32”/43” screen. The device comes pre-installed with apps and games like word searches and virtual golf as well as household names such as Google Earth and Uno.
The devices are made with toughened glass, adjustable screens, steel bumpers and even water resistant, so they’ve robust enough for any scenario that might take place in a dynamic environment shared by many.
Residents are also able to use the device to video call friends and family members, helping to reduce the likelihood of social isolation, and helping them stay up-to-date with their loved one’s lives in between visits.
The tablet is already getting a lot of use with residents working on their hand-eye coordination and not even realising it, through the use of video games. The staff at Weald Hall are enjoying showing residents how to use the tablet, and connections between staff and residents are also growing with residents using apps such as Google Earth to reminisce and share tales of their younger lives.
Weald Hall care home manager, Danielle Barham, said: “The tablets are brilliant. I can’t believe just how well the residents are taking to using them. We all know that adjusting to new technology can be difficult, especially for older generations but the residents are getting on really well with many of them commenting on how much fun they’re having!
“I’m also really excited to know that the residents have another way to connect with their loved ones, as it’s something that we really encourage here at Weald Hall.
“It’s also lovely for them to enjoy playing the games. We have such fun-loving residents here and they’re having a great time!”