National Pet Month: Why animal therapy is beneficial in a care home

Every year, in the month of April, we celebrate National Pet Month in the United Kingdom. This is a time to celebrate the joy and companionship that pets bring to our lives.
At Weald Hall Care Home, in Essex, we understand the importance of pets in the lives of our residents, and we are proud to celebrate this special occasion.
Animals play an important role in care homes for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the positive benefits of animal therapy:
Companionship: Animals provide our residents, especially those with dementia, with a sense of companionship. Being close to and engaging with an animal, like a cat or dog, can help combat feelings of loneliness and social isolation, which are common for people living with dementia. Our resident cat can often be found snoozing on the laps of our residents!
Emotional support: Animals are known to have a calming effect on people. Sometimes, people living with dementia feel agitated and apathetic. Spending time with pets can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression in residents.
Improved physical health: Interacting with pets can be beneficial for residents’ physical health. For example, petting an animal can help to lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels. As part of our activity programme at Weald Hall care home, we organise various animal encounters and residents have the choice to be as hands on, or as hands off, as they would like to be.
Increased social interaction: Pets can serve as a social catalyst and help residents to interact with each other more frequently. This can lead to stronger social connections and a sense of community within the care home.
Sense of purpose: Caring for a pet can give residents a sense of purpose and responsibility. This can be especially beneficial for those who may feel that they have lost some control over their lives.
Pets and animal encounters can be a valuable addition to care homes, providing residents with a range of physical, emotional, and social benefits.
At our care home in Epping, we understand that having a pet can be a big responsibility and that not all of our residents are able to care for a pet themselves.
However, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to have the companionship of an animal. We welcome and encourage visits from family pets, as they brighten up our home and provide endless amounts of joy.
If you would like to find out more about the care we provide at Weald Hall Care Home, give us a call on 01992 572 427 or arrange a time to come down and visit us at our Epping care home in Essex.